Monday, May 9, 2011

Confession of a Selvage Quilter

If you hadn't noticed, my updates on the selvage quilt stopped.  Abruptly.  The real truth is not that I have been busy working on other projects... but that when I added the border, it was too BIG.  And I mean BIG.  And I ended up with three sides of a very floppy border added and then became frustrated, neatly folded the whole thing up and sat in on the cedar chest in my sewing room.  It has been staring at me everyday since.

I had unsewn the border over the last few weeks, so tonight I pulled the whole thing out and after some trimming, ok lots of trimming, and sewing, and a little more seam ripping,  I now have a selvage quilt again!  This time ready for backing and quilting.  There are lots of things I like about this pattern and also about selvage quilts.  You can look at them like a pie...

or at the stars...

Here's the border and corner, just a simple v-pattern border and star corners.

Very Fun!   Have a great week.

To see Spider Web Selvage Quilt Finish click HERE!

To see most recent post at Kelly Girl Quilts click HERE!


  1. This is a heart-throb quilt to me! I've wanted to make a selvage web quilt for several years now, and have been accordingly collecting selvages. When I finally do get started, I may look to you for guidance. One like yours is what I hope to end up with. Very well done!

  2. Your quilt turned out great. Sorry you had some frustration with the border.

  3. Thanks for sharing this. I love how you made the stars inbetween one color instead of random like I have seen before. I have been saving selvages for a while now but not really sure what to make, but I think I have found it thanks to you! I just became a follower too.
